Helping people of all ages communicate what matters!
​Contact Us: 0434 210 720​
9/22 Georgina Crescent, Yarrawonga NT
"Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing"
- Rollo May
Supporting an inclusive community and actively advocating for communication friendly environments in educational and social settings
Respecting individual difference, cultural beliefs and morals. We value diversity and hope we learn as much from our clients as they learn from us. We aim to build trust with our clients through respectful and straight forward two-way communication. This may be through spoken language, picture cards, key word sign or other modalities.
Understanding of the complexities and challenges experienced by families who are neurodivergent. We provide empathetic support, provide practical advice and refer to appropriate community services where possible.
Hope for the future and all the amazing things our clients and their families can achieve together.